.. include:: ../header.txt ===================== Docutils Transforms ===================== :Author: David Goodger :Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net :Revision: $Revision$ :Date: $Date$ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. .. contents:: :depth: 2 Introduction ============ Transforms change the `document tree`_ in-place, add to the tree, or prune it. Transforms resolve references and footnote numbers, process `interpreted text`_, and do other context-sensitive processing. Each transform is a subclass of `docutils.transforms.Transform`. There are `transforms added by components`_, others (e.g. ``parts.Contents``) are added by the parser, if a corresponding directive_ is found in the document. To add a transform, components (objects inheriting from `docutils.Component` like Readers, Parsers, Writers, Input, Output) overwrite the ``get_transforms()`` method of their base class. After the Reader has finished processing, the Publisher calls ``Transformer.populate_from_components()`` with a list of components and all transforms returned by the component's ``get_transforms()`` method are stored in a `transformer object` attached to the document tree. For more about transforms and the Transformer object, see also `PEP 258`_. (The ``default_transforms()`` attribute of component classes mentioned there is deprecated. Use the ``get_transforms()`` method instead.) .. _priority: Transforms Listed in Priority Order =================================== Transform classes each have a `default priority` attribute which is used by the Transformer to apply transforms in order (low to high). The default priority can be overridden when adding transforms to the Transformer object. ================================== ============================ ======== Transform: module.Class Added By Priority ================================== ============================ ======== misc_.ClassAttribute `"class"`_ (d/p) 210 references_.Substitutions standalone (r), pep (r) 220 references_.PropagateTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 260 frontmatter.\ DocTitle_ standalone (r) 320 frontmatter.\ DocInfo_ standalone (r) 340 frontmatter.\ SectSubTitle_ standalone (r) 350 peps_.Headers pep (r) 360 peps_.Contents pep (r) 380 universal_.StripClassesAndElements Writer (w) 420 references_.AnonymousHyperlinks standalone (r), pep (r) 440 references_.IndirectHyperlinks standalone (r), pep (r) 460 peps_.TargetNotes pep (r) 520 references_.TargetNotes peps.TargetNotes (t/p) 0 misc_.CallBack peps.TargetNotes (t/p) 1 references_.TargetNotes `"target-notes"`_ (d/p) 540 references_.Footnotes standalone (r), pep (r) 620 references_.ExternalTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 640 references_.InternalTargets standalone (r), pep (r) 660 parts_.SectNum `"sectnum"`_ (d/p) 710 parts_.Contents `"contents"`_ (d/p), 720 peps.Contents (t/p) universal_.StripComments Reader (r) 740 peps_.PEPZero peps.Headers (t/p) 760 components.Filter *not used* 780 universal_.Decorations Reader (r) 820 misc_.Transitions standalone (r), pep (r) 830 universal_.Validate Parser 835 universal_.ExposeInternals Reader (r) 840 references_.DanglingReferences standalone (r), pep (r) 850 universal_.SmartQuotes Parser 855 universal_.Messages Writer (w) 860 universal_.FilterMessages Writer (w) 870 universal_.TestMessages DocutilsTestSupport 880 writer_aux_.Compound *not used, to be removed* 910 writer_aux_.Admonitions _html_base (w), 920 latex2e (w) misc_.CallBack n/a 990 ================================== ============================ ======== Key: * (r): Reader * (w): Writer * (d): Directive * (t): Transform * (/p): Via a `\`_ element Transform Priority Range Categories ----------------------------------- ==== ==== ================================================ Priority ---------- ------------------------------------------------ From To Category ==== ==== ================================================ 0 99 immediate execution (added by another transform) 100 199 very early (non-standard) 200 299 very early 300 399 early 400 699 main 700 799 late 800 899 very late 900 999 very late (non-standard) ==== ==== ================================================ Transforms added by components =============================== readers.Reader: | universal.Decorations, | universal.ExposeInternals, | universal.StripComments readers.ReReader: None readers.standalone.Reader: | references.Substitutions, | references.PropagateTargets, | frontmatter.DocTitle, | frontmatter.SectionSubTitle, | frontmatter.DocInfo, | references.AnonymousHyperlinks, | references.IndirectHyperlinks, | references.Footnotes, | references.ExternalTargets, | references.InternalTargets, | references.DanglingReferences, | misc.Transitions readers.pep.Reader: | references.Substitutions, | references.PropagateTargets, | references.AnonymousHyperlinks, | references.IndirectHyperlinks, | references.Footnotes, | references.ExternalTargets, | references.InternalTargets, | references.DanglingReferences, | misc.Transitions, | peps.Headers, | peps.Contents, | peps.TargetNotes parsers.rst.Parser universal.SmartQuotes writers.Writer: | universal.Messages, | universal.FilterMessages, | universal.StripClassesAndElements writers.UnfilteredWriter None writers.latex2e.Writer writer_aux.Admonitions writers._html_base.Writer: writer_aux.Admonitions writers.odf_odt.Writer: removes references.DanglingReferences Transforms Reference ==================== Incomplete. See also `Transforms Listed in Priority Order`_ and the sources in `docutils/transforms`__. __ https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docutils/transforms/ DocInfo ------- .. class:: field-indent-12em :Module: frontmatter_ :Added by: standalone Reader :Default priority_: 340 :Configuration_ setting: docinfo_xform_ (default: True) Given a document starting [#pre-docinfo]_ with a field list, the DocInfo transform converts fields with registered `bibliographic field`_ names to the corresponding document tree elements becoming child elements of the `\`_ element (except for a "dedication" and "abstract", which become `\`_ elements after ). .. [#pre-docinfo] A document title and subtitle, header and footer, as well as body elements that do not show up in the output before the field list don't prevent the DocInfo transformation. See the `DocTitle examples`_ and `PreBibliographic Elements`_ in the Appendix for details. For example, this document fragment:: Document Title <field_list> <field> <field_name> Author <field_body> <paragraph> A. Name <field> <field_name> Status <field_body> <paragraph> $RCSfile$ ... will be transformed to:: <document> <title> Document Title <docinfo> <author> A. Name <status> frontmatter.py ... DocTitle -------- .. class:: field-indent-12em :Module: frontmatter_ :Added by: standalone Reader :Default priority_: 320 :Configuration_ setting: doctitle_xform_ (default: True) Under the conditions explained below, the DocTitle transform converts the document's first section title(s) to a document title and subtitle. 1. If the document contains a single top-level section as its first body element, [#pre-doctitle]_ the top-level section's title is used as `document title`_ and default `metadata title`_. The top-level section's contents become the document's immediate contents. .. _stepĀ 2: 2. If step 1 successfully determines the document title, the transform checks for a subtitle: If the lone top-level section itself contains a single second-level section as its first element, [#pre-doctitle]_ that section's title is promoted to the document's subtitle, and that section's contents become the document's immediate contents. The transform can be disabled with the doctitle_xform_ configuration setting or the corresponding ``--no-doc-title`` command line option. .. [#pre-doctitle] Header and footer as well as body elements that do not show up in the output before the section don't stop the transformation of the section title to document title or subtitle. See `PreBibliographic Elements`_ in the Appendix for details. .. _DocTitle examples: Examples ~~~~~~~~ The input text :: Top-Level Title =============== A paragraph. is parsed to the following document tree:: <document> <section names="top-level\ title"> <title> Top-Level Title <paragraph> A paragraph. The DocTitle transform converts it to:: <document names="top-level\ title" title="Top-Level Title"> <title> Top-Level Title <paragraph> A paragraph. Given this input with a lone section and sub-section:: Top-Level Title =============== Second-Level Title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A paragraph. the result after parsing and running the DocTitle transform is:: <document names="top-level\ title"> <title> Top-Level Title <subtitle names="second-level\ title"> Second-Level Title <paragraph> A paragraph. (Note that the implicit hyperlink target generated by the "Second-Level Title" is preserved on the "subtitle" element itself.) -------------- The following examples do *not* comply with the conditions: i. More than one top-level section:: Top-Level Title =============== A paragraph. Another Top-Level Title ======================= Another paragraph. The DocTitle transform will leave the document tree as-is. The document has no title. It is recommended to set the `metadata title`_ with the `"title"`_ directive. #. More than one second-level section:: Top-Level Title =============== Second-Level Title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A paragraph. Another Second-Level Title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another paragraph. Step 2 is skipped. "Top-Level Title" becomes the document title; "Second-Level Title" and "Another Second-Level Title" become titles of top-level sections. This is what you normally want in a document with title but no subtitle. #. Body elements before the first section: [#pre-doctitle]_ :: .. note:: This element would not stop the transform, if it were nested in a header. Top-Level Title =============== A paragraph. The DocTitle transform will leave the document tree as-is. The document has no title. #. A `configuration file`_ entry "``doctitle_xform: False``" or converting with the CLI command :: docutils --no-doc-title example.rst > example.html The DocTitle transform is skipped. The document has no title. SectSubTitle ------------ .. class:: field-indent-12em :Module: frontmatter_ :Added by: standalone Reader :Default priority_: 350 :Configuration_ setting: sectsubtitle_xform_ (default: False) The SectSubTitle transform works like `stepĀ 2`_ of the DocTitle_ transform, but for sections. For example, :: <section> <title> Title <section> <title> Subtitle ... is transformed into :: <section> <title> Title <subtitle> Subtitle ... This transform is disabled by default. Appendix ======== PreBibliographic Elements ------------------------- The document tree elements `\<comment>`_, `\<decoration>`_, `\<footer>`_, `\<header>`_, `\<meta>`_, `\<pending>`_, `\<raw>`_, `\<substitution_definition>`_, `\<subtitle>`_, `\<system_message>`_, `\<target>`_, and `\<title>`_ are ignored when the DocTitle_ and DocInfo_ transforms check for elements before frontmatter candidates. This means that in the reStructuredText source, comments_, `hyperlink targets`_, `substitution definitions`_, and the directives_ `"class"`_, `"default-role"`_, `"footer"`_, `"header"`_, `"meta"`_, `"raw"`_, `"sectnum"`_, `"sectnum"`_, `"target-notes"`_, and `"title"`_ may be placed before the `document title`_ or `bibliographic fields`_. The DocTitle_ transform inserts document title and subtitle before these elements. DocInfo_ inserts the bibliographic fields before `\<comment>`_, `\<raw>`_, `\<substitution_definition>`_, and `\<target>`_. For example, the document source:: .. a comment .. |today| date:: .. _hypertarget: http://example.org .. class:: spam .. role:: ham .. default-role:: ham .. footer:: footer text .. header:: header text .. meta:: :test: value .. raw:: html raw html text .. sectnum:: .. target-notes:: .. title:: metadata document title Top-Level Title =============== Second-Level Title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :date: |today| is parsed and transformed to:: <document ids="top-level-title" names="top-level\ title" title="metadata document title"> <title> Top-Level Title <subtitle ids="second-level-title" names="second-level\ title"> Second-Level Title <meta content="value" name="test"> <decoration> <header> <paragraph> header text <footer> <paragraph> footer text <docinfo> <date> 2024-03-01 <comment xml:space="preserve"> a comment <substitution_definition names="today"> 2024-03-01 <target ids="hypertarget" names="hypertarget" refuri="http://example.org"> <raw classes="spam" format="html" xml:space="preserve"> raw html text .. References ========== .. _PEP 258: ../peps/pep-0258.html#transformer .. _configuration: .. _configuration file: .. _configuration setting: ../user/config.html .. _docinfo_xform: ../user/config.html#docinfo-xform .. _doctitle_xform: ../user/config.html#doctitle-xform .. _sectsubtitle_xform: ../user/config.html#sectsubtitle-xform .. _directive: .. _directives: ../ref/rst/directives.html .. _"class": ../ref/rst/directives.html#class .. _"contents": ../ref/rst/directives.html#table-of-contents .. _"default-role": ../ref/rst/directives.html#default-role .. _"footer": ../ref/rst/directives.html#footer .. _"header": ../ref/rst/directives.html#header .. _"meta": ../ref/rst/directives.html#meta .. _"raw": ../ref/rst/directives.html#raw .. _"sectnum": ../ref/rst/directives.html#sectnum .. _"target-notes": ../ref/rst/directives.html#target-notes .. _"title": ../ref/rst/directives.html#title .. _document tree: ../ref/doctree.html .. _`<comment>`: ../ref/doctree.html#comment .. _`<docinfo>`: ../ref/doctree.html#docinfo .. _`<decoration>`: ../ref/doctree.html#decoration .. _`<footer>`: ../ref/doctree.html#footer .. _`<header>`: ../ref/doctree.html#header .. _`<meta>`: ../ref/doctree.html#meta .. _`<pending>`: ../ref/doctree.html#pending .. _`<raw>`: ../ref/doctree.html#raw .. _`<substitution_definition>`: ../ref/doctree.html#substitution-definition .. _`<subtitle>`: ../ref/doctree.html#subtitle .. _`<system_message>`: ../ref/doctree.html#system-message .. _`<target>`: ../ref/doctree.html#target .. _`<title>`: ../ref/doctree.html#title .. _`<topic>`: ../ref/doctree.html#topic .. _metadata title: ../ref/doctree.html#title-attribute .. reStructuredText Markup Specification .. _bibliographic field: .. _bibliographic fields: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#bibliographic-fields .. _comments: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#comments .. _document title: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#document-title .. _hyperlink targets: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#hyperlink-targets .. _interpreted text: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#interpreted-text .. _registered bibliographic field names: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#bibliographic-field-names .. _substitution definitions: ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#substitution-definitions .. transform class sources .. _frontmatter: ../../docutils/transforms/frontmatter.py .. _misc: ../../docutils/transforms/misc.py .. _parts: ../../docutils/transforms/parts.py .. _peps: ../../docutils/transforms/peps.py .. _references: ../../docutils/transforms/references.py .. _universal: ../../docutils/transforms/universal.py .. _writer_aux: ../../docutils/transforms/writer_aux.py