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Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool


David Goodger


The Docutils Publisher class was set up to make building command-line tools easy. All that's required is to choose components and supply settings for variations. Let's take a look at a typical command-line front-end tool, tools/, from top to bottom.

On Unixish systems, it's best to make the file executable (chmod +x file), and supply an interpreter on the first line, the "shebang" or "hash-bang" line:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Windows systems can be set up to associate the Python interpreter with the .py extension.

Next are some comments providing metadata:

# $Id$
# Author: David Goodger <>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.

The module docstring describes the purpose of the tool:

A minimal front end to the Docutils Publisher, producing HTML.

This next block attempts to invoke locale support for internationalization services. It's not supported on all platforms though, so it's forgiving:

    import locale
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

The real work will be done by the code that's imported here:

from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description

We construct a description of the tool, for command-line help:

description = ('Generates (X)HTML documents from standalone '
               'reStructuredText sources.  ' + default_description)

Now we call the Publisher convenience function, which takes over. Most of its defaults are used ("standalone" Reader, "reStructuredText" Parser, etc.). The HTML Writer is chosen by name, and a description for command-line help is passed in:

publish_cmdline(writer_name='html', description=description)

That's it! The Docutils Publisher takes care of the rest.