========================================== Docutils Project Documentation Overview ========================================== :Author: David Goodger :Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net :Date: $Date$ :Revision: $Revision$ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. The latest working documents may be accessed individually below, or from the ``docs`` directory of the `Docutils distribution`_. .. _Docutils distribution: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/#download .. header:: Docutils_ | Overview | About__ | Users__ | Reference__ | API_ | Developers__ .. _Docutils: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/ __ `project fundamentals`_ __ user_ __ ref_ __ howto_ .. contents:: Docutils Stakeholders ===================== can be categorized in several groups: .. class:: details End-users users of reStructuredText and the Docutils tools. Although some are developers (e.g. Python developers utilizing reStructuredText for docstrings in their source), many are not. Client-developers developers using Docutils as a library, programmers developing *with* Docutils. Component-developers: those who implement application-specific components, directives, and/or roles, separately from Docutils. Core-developers developers of the Docutils codebase and participants in the Docutils project community. Re-implementers developers of alternate implementations of Docutils. .. class:: details There's a lot of overlap between these groups. Most (perhaps all) developers are also end-users. Core-developers are also client-developers, and may also be component-developers in other projects. Component-developers are also client-developers. Project Fundamentals ==================== These files are for all `Docutils stakeholders`_. They are kept at the top level of the Docutils project directory. `README <../README.html>`_: Project overview: quick-start, requirements, installation, and usage. `COPYING <../COPYING.html>`_: Conditions for Docutils redistribution, with links to licenses. `FAQ <../FAQ.html>`_: Docutils Frequently Asked Questions. If you have a question or issue, there's a good chance it's already answered here. `BUGS <../BUGS.html>`_: A list of known bugs, and how to report a bug. `RELEASE-NOTES <../RELEASE-NOTES.html>`_: Summary of the major changes in recent releases and notice of future incompatible changes. `HISTORY <../HISTORY.html>`_: Detailed change history log. `THANKS <../THANKS.html>`_: Acknowledgements. .. _user: Introductory & Tutorial Material for End-Users ============================================== Docutils-general: * `Docutils Front-End Tools `__ * `Docutils Configuration `__ * `Docutils Mailing Lists `__ * `Docutils Link List `__ Writer-specific: * `Docutils HTML Writers `__ * `Easy Slide Shows With reStructuredText & S5 `__ * `Docutils LaTeX Writer `__ * `Man Page Writer for Docutils `__ * `Docutils ODF/OpenOffice/odt Writer `__ `reStructuredText `_: * `A ReStructuredText Primer `__ (see also the `text source `__) * `Quick reStructuredText `__ (user reference) * `reStructuredText Cheat Sheet `__ (text only; 1 page for syntax, 1 page directive & role reference) * `Demonstration `_ of most reStructuredText features (see also the `text source `__) Editor support: * `Emacs support for reStructuredText `_ .. _ref: Reference Material for All Groups ================================= Many of these files began as developer specifications, but now that they're mature and used by end-users and client-developers, they have become reference material. Successful specs evolve into refs. Docutils-general: * `The Docutils Document Tree `__ (incomplete) * `Docutils Generic DTD `__ * `OASIS XML Exchange Table Model Declaration Module `__ (CALS tables DTD module) * `Docutils Design Specification`_ (PEP 258) reStructuredText_: * `An Introduction to reStructuredText `__ (includes the `Goals `__ and `History `__ of reStructuredText) * `reStructuredText Markup Specification `__ * `reStructuredText Directives `__ * `reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles `__ * `reStructuredText Standard Definition Files `_ * `LaTeX syntax for mathematics `__ (syntax used in "math" directive and role) .. _peps: Python Enhancement Proposals * `PEP 256: Docstring Processing System Framework`__ is a high-level generic proposal. [:PEP:`256` in the `master repository`_] * `PEP 257: Docstring Conventions`__ addresses docstring style and touches on content. [:PEP:`257` in the `master repository`_] * `PEP 258: Docutils Design Specification`__ is an overview of the architecture of Docutils. It documents design issues and implementation details. [:PEP:`258` in the `master repository`_] * `PEP 287: reStructuredText Docstring Format`__ proposes a standard markup syntax. [:PEP:`287` in the `master repository`_] Please note that PEPs in the `master repository`_ developed independent from the local versions after submission. __ peps/pep-0256.html __ peps/pep-0257.html .. _PEP 258: .. _Docutils Design Specification: __ peps/pep-0258.html __ peps/pep-0287.html .. _master repository: https://peps.python.org Prehistoric: `Setext Documents Mirror`__ __ https://docutils.sourceforge.io/mirror/setext.html .. _api: API Reference Material for Client-Developers ============================================ `The Docutils Publisher `__ entry points for using Docutils as a library `Docutils Runtime Settings `__ configuration framework details `Docutils Transforms `__ change the document tree in-place (resolve references, …) The `Docutils Design Specification`_ (PEP 258) is a must-read for any Docutils developer. .. _howto: Instructions for Developers =========================== * `Deploying Docutils Securely `__ * `Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool `__ * `Runtime Settings Processing `__ * `Writing HTML (CSS) Stylesheets for Docutils `__ * `Docutils Internationalization `__ * `Creating reStructuredText Directives `__ * `Creating reStructuredText Interpreted Text Roles `__ .. _dev: Development Notes and Plans for Core-Developers =============================================== Docutils-general: * `Docutils Hacker's Guide `__ * `Docutils Distributor's Guide `__ * `Docutils To Do List `__ * `Docutils Project Policies `__ * `Docutils Web Site `__ * `Docutils Release Procedure `__ * `The Docutils Subversion Repository `__ * `Docutils Testing `__ * `Docstring Semantics `__ (incomplete) * `Python Source Reader `_ (incomplete) * `Docutils Python DTD `_ * `Plan for Enthought API Documentation Tool `_ * `Enthought API Documentation Tool RFP `_ reStructuredText_: * `A Record of reStructuredText Syntax Alternatives `__ * `Problems With StructuredText `__ .. 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